Sunday, November 7, 2010

fall fall fall

fall is…

2010-10-30 10.57.11

long leafy drives…

2010-10-31 09.39.51

delicious lattes…

2010-10-31 09.40.00

(nutella and hazelnut mmm)

2010-11-06 15.11.34

high school football games in new england…

2010-11-06 15.12.16

we won 35-7!…

2010-11-06 19.44.34

bringing a kitten back home to troy!

ok so maybe the last one isn’t fall-specific but I couldn’t resist. Happy November!


Marguerite said...

Go Raiders!

Mom said...

Loved the pics, so new england...and of course, a gorgeous cat/kitten, well, fall has halloween cats in black, no?