Monday, December 14, 2009

one week


Less than one week from now I will be waking up in my bed at home in the U.S.

That is too weird to think about! I’m excited to go home and see family and friends, but I don’t want to leave this place. I think that’s pretty much the sentiment all around. I’m also just realizing how much more there is to see of this city, and have been trying to cram that all into one weekend! Chris coming last weekend (still a blog post owed on that) was really, really fun, and among other things, was an awesome way for me to play tourist all over again here!

Things have been tense on and off here – finals, presentations and papers, all coupled with the fact that we have to deal with this THING, this finality of saying goodbye to the only friends and family we’ve had here in Spain for the last 3 months, these people we’ve gotten close to and the city we love that we have never previously known before, on top of all of these school stressors. It’s a strange situation. At times I’m ready to leave and just get the whole traveling/packing thing over with, but most other times, I’m scrambling to fit everything in I want to do before I leave. I’m not ready!

I’ll leave you with the video I created for our Farewell Reception last week. The songs are “Moving” by Macaco (watch the music video if you get a chance!) and “Bamboleo” by the Gypsy Kings.


Chris said...

I really like that picture of you and mischief :) can't wait to see you!

Mom said...

Home sweet home, eh? Soo cute, yes, you ,too, not just the kitty. :>)