Saturday, January 30, 2010

times of stresssss

my kitty has been sick, and I just finished my first week of classes. It was a whopper of an end of break, not the best way to end it obviously…but my cat’s home, recovering, and hopefully on her way to being healthy again. We’re all still not completely sure what happened, but it had to do with undiagnosed diabetes, an infection, liver complications from the infection, and a few other things.


It’s been a rough few weeks.

In terms of classes, it’s going to be a pretty hard semester and I’m still trying to get myself back into the game. I’m taking Marketing Principles, Graphic Design Studio, Language & Culture, U.S. History of Technology, Public Service Internship, and an Independent Study thesis project for my Graphic Design degree. Wish me luckkkk.

More thoughtful/interesting posts coming soon, I promise.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

new year, new hair!

Decided to go brunette. LOVE IT. I used Natural Instincts Nutmeg – it made my hair shiny and soft too!

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Working on my “action plan” for 2010 – it’s about time I pulled things together for that!

What changes have you made for the new year?

Friday, January 8, 2010

link round up for the new year

Stop associating "food" with "activity"
"Candy" has nothing to do with "working behind a desk"
"popcorn with loads of butter" has nothing to do with "watching a movie at home."
"Eating a whole box of Oreos" has nothing to do with "watching Sex In the City."
"Turkey" can be eaten any time during the year, so there’s no reason to overload at Thanksgiving.
Snack if you feel hungry, not because you’re doing a certain activity!

Be back soon with my new year’s resolutions! Feel free to share yours in the comments if you drop by!

Friday, January 1, 2010

a study in breakfasts

In Spain (every day)


Toast with coffee and milk


In the U.S. (Christmas Day)

IMG_0917 Maple smoked bacon, spinach and caramelized onion quiche, bread machine cinnamon rolls, hot chocolate.

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Hehe. Yum.

happy belated holidays


I’ll make this quick – it’s 2am and I’m exhausted but motivated! I didn’t get around to making a holiday post, since everything was hectic what with getting to see family and friends again and my luggage being lost. But I had a fantastic holiday and I hope everyone else did too! Some snippets:

IMG_1062Last year post-Christmas, my roommate and I scouted out some awesome deals at Wal-Mart and picked up an awesome white tree for a pretty good price. I was so sad I wasn’t there to decorate it with my roommates but they left the tree up for me to see after Spain – sooooo cute!

IMG_0849IMG_0834I baked cookies with my little sister. She’ll make you think she did all the work, but I decorated them too! So there. They’re so pretty it makes you want to eat all of them! 

My friends and I have basically taken over the Dunkin Donuts here (the only place to hang out past 7pm) and I couldn’t be happier. I’ve been eating my weight in cookies and sitting in front of the woodstove catching up on blogs…I love being home for the holidays!

happy 2010

Good riddance to 2009 – it was a decent year (I did study abroad after all!) but other than that, it was rough and crummy in my opinion.

Some highlights (the good) from 2009:

  • Taking one of the best graphic design courses I’ve taken yet! (Graphic Design for Corporate Identity) and getting my first official design “job” (Opus Igor freelance work)
  • Meeting new people – friends of friends, CEA Sevilla, road trip buddies, Portland hostel roommates. It was a good year for new faces.
  • Reconnecting with old friends and with family. Studying abroad really made me appreciate how important family and friends are, and I was really lucky to be able to keep up old friendships and talk with family more than ever when I needed it most.
  • TRAVEL. Visiting my sister, roommate, and 2 good friends while they all spent the summer in Boston. Then, seeing more of the US on a road trip than most people get to see in their lives. It was fantastic and beautiful, and I hope I get to do something like that many times more in my life. And the last bit of travel in 2009 – Spain. SPAIN. Not to mention all the traveling I did while in Spain, and how lucky I was that my mom and my boyfriend both visited me. It was the best experience I’ve had in my life, and I intend to never forget it!

ROAD TRIP Summer 2009

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BOSTON Summer 2009


SPAIN Fall 2009DSCN1091DSC06521DSC06544IMG_0593IMG_0670IMG_0245

PORTUGAL September 2009DSC07005

SWITZERLAND (Interlaken) October 2009Switz1003 095

ITALY (Florence & Rome) October/November 2009Italy 285

Here’s to a happier, healthier, more prosperous new year! :)