Heyyyyy folks!
So, I have been in Spain for over a week now! 98 days left in the program!! Craziness!
I’ve been struggling on and off with homesickness, but it’s a lot easier now that we’ve started classes, I’ve made friends, I can’t leave till this is over, etc etc ;). Thank you everyone SO MUCH for all of the encouragement, advice, and positive thoughts – it means a lot to see that and read them every time I’m starting to miss home again.
It’s really nice to be able to talk to everyone here about it as well – EVERYONE is going through the same thing, and we all just have to remember we’re going home eventually, and we will probably all be crying about leaving! Not to mention, we’re paying good money for the experience (haha!) and there are tons of people who would love to be able to have this experience as well! Personally, I’m in it for the weather and the tan I’ll have when I get back in mid-December ;)…..ok ok that’s only part of the reason.
Here are a crapload of pictures from my first 2-3 days here – I’ve tried to limit them, believe me, but there are just so many I want to post! You should be able to click on the images for full-size, I believe.
Day 1: Settling into our housing, and walking tour of Sevilla:
Walking to CEA, where our program and main classes are located. (I’m also studying on a university campus though, so my classes are split.)

Outside of my apartment building – how cute is this??? This is what I see when I leave the house everyday…so cute!
It’s an outdoor bar/restaurant, I definitely need to check it out soon. It seems to be pretty popular judging by the noise at night! ;)
My room!! My bed is on the right. The door is across from Frida’s bed. It’s a pretty small room, but they warned us about that, and we’re hardly ever in the room anyway. It’s like dorm living again lol! (But wayyyyy cleaner, and our beds are made for us….pretty sweet.)
My closet as I see it from my bed, I usually leave it open during the day so I can see all this stuff. That’s my bed from the doorway, and the closets are built in along that wall.
This is my view every day walking across the bridge from my neighborhood towards the “downtown” Sevilla. HOW BEAUTIFUL! I keep looking at the picture to remind myself how lucky I am to be here. Right???!
P.S., This is called the Torre del Oro. It’s a Moorish watchtower from way back. Yep, and that’s me…woooo!
A tour through the “labyrinth”, the old section of town.
This is kind of like, the center of the city. I’m not sure they refer to it that way but it’s a pretty central shopping/street location! You can see the Catedral in the background, on the left.

The Catedral! Christopher Columbus is rumored to be buried here.
Sevilla and the Catedral at sunset. Muyyyyy bonita!
Not to just plop down images here, but isn’t it gorgeous??? I think it’s the palm trees. They help a lot. I’ve always had a thing for palm trees! They’re so exotic!
I’m going to separate my pictures in two posts…hope you like these!! Let me know what you all think :).
Talka :)